We are pleased to announce that the Online Conference for Music Therapy is back in 2014!!
You can see who is on this year’s Organizing Committee by clicking on “OCMT Committee” in the menu bar, or by clicking here. We are a group of music therapy professionals who have volunteered to donate our time, energy and resources into this project. We are not legally affiliated with WFMT, AMTA or other professional music therapy organizations, yet we are active members within these groups.
We recognize a great need and a great potential for online conferences within our field, and we are committed to making that happen. We invite you into this exciting journey along with us!
We are still in the initial planning stages, and we are currently looking for more volunteers to serve within various committees, including: 1. Website (only basic blogging skills required), 2. Social Media Promotion, 3. CMTE Correspondance, 4. Conference Moderator (training provided).
If you are interested in volunteering in any of these capacities, please send an email to onlineconferencemt@gmail.com and let us know.