An OCMT Short Event – May 12, 2019 (begins at 8 pm Eastern Daylight Time).


Tim Ringgold MT-BC is a US board certified music therapist, and the director of Sonic Divinity Music Therapy Services. Tim also holds a certificate in NICU music therapy, and is a certified Remo HealthRHYTHMS facilitator. Tim graduated from Chapman University as President of the Music Therapy Student Association, and recipient of the Music Therapy Award and Guitar Award.

Since then, Tim has been awarded the New Professional Grant from the Western Region Chapter of the American Music Therapy Association and currently serves as the President of the Chapter. He presents at regional and national conferences on using music for pain and stress management, best business practices for music therapists, and overcoming adversity.

Tim can be contacted at

Natalie Jack RMT MTA is an Australian Registered Music Therapist, and Canadian Accredited Music Therapist. She is Masters qualified in the area of mental health science, and has additional training in clinical supervision, business management, neurologic music therapy and counselling.

Natalie’s clinical area of interest is in generalist mental health and mental health and offenders. She has experience in policy development/technical health writing, social media management and non-profit organisation management. Natalie currently runs a business providing clinical professional supervision to music therapists and other health and helping professions, along with contracting to the Australian Music Therapy Association in policy development and social media areas.

Natalie can be contacted at

Continuing Education Credits: 3

Approvals: This course has been approved for 3 CMTEs.

Continuing Education credits in other countries will be determined and issued on a case by case basis.

Please contact us directly for more info.

Learning Objectives:



Identify what measurable outcomes participants will gain from this course. Identify the most relevant Board Certification Domains that corresponds to each course objective. 
List two impacts of mental illness, and two ways music therapy can function to reduce these impacts I.C.2; I.D.4; II.A.1; II.A.2
List three high prevalence mental health disorders and what precautions music therapists need to take in treatment planning for these clients II.A.3; II.B.1; II.B.2; II.B.3; II.B.5
Discuss how mental health disorders may present in two non-mental health specific settings, and how music therapy may be used to support these clients I.B.1; I.B.4
Explain why rhythm is important for human beings, and how it connects us II.A.5
List the ‘big 5’ goals of music therapy in the mental health/trauma/addictions settings I.D.6
List the 5 main music therapy interventions discussed as related to the ‘big 5 goals’ I.B.3

Prerequisites: Participants must register and submit payment 48 hours prior to the short event.

Course Schedule and Format: (Times may vary due to presenter availability and significant changes will be announced to all participants through the platform, email, and dedicated social media sites.)


  1. Introductions of speakers, general welcome – Nat & Tim & OCMT – 10 minutes
  2. Why all music therapists need basic mental health knowledge aka ‘everyone has mental health’ – Nat – 15 minutes
  3. The functions of music therapy in mental health care – Nat – 15 minutes
  4. Presentations of the most common mental health conditions and precautions in music therapy – Nat – 20 minutes
    1. Depression
    2. Anxiety
    3. Psychosis
    4. Bipolar Disorder
  5. How mental health issues present themselves in other populations and how music therapists can respond – Nat – 20 minutes
    1. Aged Care
    2. Special Education
    3. Medical Settings
  6. Break – 15 minutes
  7. Music cognition and its relevance to trauma and addictions treatment – Tim – 15 minutes
  8. The effects of music through a bio-psycho-social-spiritual prism – Tim – 20 minutes
  9. The Big 5 goals of music therapy for trauma and addictions in music therapy – Tim – 20 minutes
  10. The Big 5 interventions of music therapy for trauma and addictions in music therapy – Tim – 20 minutes
  11. Questions and Closing – Nat & Tim & OCMT – 10 minutes

Number of CMTEs Offered: 3

Course Cost: $10.00 USD for live presentation; $15.00 USD for access to recording (this charge is in addition to the cost for attending the live presentation. Participants may choose to access the live presentation, or the recorded presentation, or both for a fee of $25.00 USD).

Register here through Eventbrite.

Group Rates are available upon request. Group rates allow for one computer IP access with multiple viewers.

Scholarships are also available with demonstration of need. Contact the OCMT Board of Directors at for information on scholarships.

Cancellation and Refund Policy: Participants may cancel at any time prior to one week before the short event and receive a full refund. Refunds will only be offered until one week prior to the short event as participants will receive information on how to access the online platform at that time. No refunds will be offered after May 5, 2019.

Statement of Relationship: Music Therapy, Mental Health, Trauma, and Addictions is approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) for 3 Continuing Music Therapy Education Credits. The Online Conference for Music Therapy, Inc. (#P-146) maintains responsibility for program quality and adherence to CBMT policies and criteria.

Continuing Music Therapy Education Information

The Online Conference for Music Therapy (OCMT) is a virtual meeting platform through which music therapists from around the world can learn and interact. A course evaluation will be made available via a dedicated electronic platform, and time will be allotted at the end of the short event for participants to complete the evaluation.

This short event will be recorded for access in the future. Participants will still complete the course evaluation if they desire CMTEs.

Certificates of completion will be delivered electronically once the required course evaluation has been collected. Attendance and completion of presentation viewing may be subject to verification through the OCMT user platform. The conference software generates a list of users who have accessed recorded information and who attended the synchronous presentation. The completion of the course evaluation will offer additional proof of attendance as information on how to access the evaluation will be made available during each presentation.