First Keynote: 00:30-2:00 GMT
Therapeutic Applications of Music Technologies Across the Life Span: Expanding the Boundaries of Practice and Research
Wendy L. Magee, PhD
Session One: 2:15-3:15 GMT
Seamless Sessions-Maximizing Every Minute of Music Therapy
Anita L. Gadberry, PhD, MT-BC & David L. Gadberry, PhD
Session Two: 3:20-4:20 GMT
Family Music Therapy for Young Children: Theory and Practice
Carol Ann Blank, MMT, MT-BC
Session Three: 4:30-5:30 GMT
Being in the “Hear” and Now: Music-Making as Mindfulness Practice
Faith Halverson-Ramos, MA, MT-BC, LPC
Session Four: 5:45-6:45 GMT
Mentally Ill Offenders and the Concept of Identity: Stories in Music Therapy
Natalie Jack, RMT, MTA, NMT
Second Keynote: 7:00-8:30 GMT
Beyond the borders: Music therapy for the inseparable human
Dr. Simon Gilbertson, Dr. rer.medic., RMTh
Fifth Session: 8:45-9:45 GMT
The Economics of Therapy-Caring for Clients, Colleagues, Competitors, and Cash-Flow
Daniel Thomas, BA(Hons), PGDip(MT) & Vicky Abad, MEd (Research), PGDip(MT), BA Mus
Sixth Session: 10:00-11:00 GMT
Double the Challenge: Working with Persons with Dual Diagnoses (Intellectual/Psychiatric Disorders)
Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC
Seventh Session: 11:15-12:15 GMT
Music Therapy with Disorders of Consciousness: Insights from Neurophysiological and Behavioral Study.
Julian O’Kelly, MSc, Dip MT, NMT, BA (Hons)
Eighth Session:12:30-13:30 GMT
Hospice Music Therapy: Exploring its Borders and Boundaries
Molly G. Hicks, MMT, MT-BC
Ninth Session: 13:45-14:45 GMT
The Hats We Wear: Music Therapists Providing Direct Service, Consultation, and Education
Rachelle Norman, MA, MT-BC
Tenth Session: 15:00-16:00 GMT
Cultural Competence in Music Therapist-Led Spiritual Care in Hospice: The Basics
Meganne Masko, PhD, MT-BC/L
Third Keynote: 16:15-17:45 GMT
Considerations and Techniques for Working with People on the Autism Spectrum
A. Blythe LaGasse, PhD, MT-BC
Eleventh Session: 18:00-19:00 GMT
4 Steps to Getting Paid What You’re Worth in A Bad Economy
Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC
Twelfth Session: 19:15-20:15 GMT
Master Juggler or Multiple Personality Disorder: Finding Balance in Music Therapy Roles
Julie Neal, MS, MT-BC & Becky Wellman, PhD, MT-BC, DT
Thirteenth Session: 20:30-21:30 GMT
CANADIAN GLEE: Research on Singing with Older Adults for Health and Wellness
Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, MTA, MT-BC, FAMI
Fourteenth Session: 21:45-22:45 GMT
Music Therapy 4 Me: Find your niche and elevate your practice
Kate Taylor, MA, MT-BC
Closing Session: 23:00-00:00 GMT