Prof. (FH) Priv. Doz. Mag. Dr. Gerhard Tucek

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FFL_0485About the Presenter:

Dr. Gerhard Tucek has completed his studies in Applied Cultural Sciences, Action Research, and Social & Cultural Anthropology at the Universities of Klagenfurt and Vienna. At the University of Vienna he received his “Venia Docendi” for Social & Cultural Anthropology. As an Anthropologist, his focus is on medical anthropology.

Since 1985 Dr. Tucek worked together with Oruç Güvenç (Turkey) as a pioneer in “Oriental Music Therapy.” Since 1989 he undertook numerous exploring expeditions to Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Bashkiria, Tartar, Altai, Uigur, Usbekistan as well as Turkey,  Argentina and Uruguay. Since 1999 he developed a culture-sensitive system of “Ethno-Music-Therapy“ which takes different cultural understandings of music in therapy into consideration. Today he serves at the academic board of the Chennai School of Music Therapy.

From 2003-2006 Dr. Tucek coordinated the “music and medicine lectures” at the Herbert von Karajan Center in Vienna. Since 2005 he lectures at the University of Vienna, the Medical University of Vienna (muw), the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw) and the SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg.

In 2007 Dr. Tucek was invited to develop the “Krems Model of Music Therapy“ at the IMC University of Krems, which started a Bachelor program in 2009 and a Master Program in 2012. This approach integrates anthropological, medical, psychological and music therapeutical perspectives.

He was appointed as a member of the advisory board for the federal law of music therapy at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health (2007 – 2008), which came into power in 2009. Since that time Dr. Tucek is registered as a “personal responsible music therapist” according to Austrian federal law.

He is the founding and board member of MARAA (International Music and Art Research Association, Austria) and a founding member of the IAMM (International Association for Music and Medicine). Since 2009, he is the coordinator for the music therapy programs in Lower Austria Health and Social Fund (NÖGUS) and responsible for developing therapy and research programs in 27 clinics.

In 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 he was (co)organizer of the conference “Mozart & Science” and in 2007, 2009, 2011 he organized the “best practice day in music therapy” in Krems. He also was organizer of the 14th World Congress of Music Therapy in Krems, Austria in July 2014, and is also on the editorial board of the journal “Music Therapy Today.”

His main clinical working fields in music therapy are intensive care unit, neurological and cardiological rehabilitation, pediatric oncology and hematology.

Dr. Tucek published numerous articles on oriental music therapy, ethno music therapy, the “Krems Model of Music Therapy” and the cultural transfer of music therapeutical methods.

In 2013 Dr. Tucek received the “Lebensweise” (Way of Living) Award in the category “Body and Mind” and in 2014 the “Health Media Award” for the communication concept of the 14th World Congress for Music Therapy in Krems, Austria.

His present positions are: Program Director for music therapy at the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems. Since 2013 he is head of the research unit and Vice Head of the Department of Health Sciences at the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems.