Professor Felicity Baker

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proffelbakerProfessor Felicity Baker is Associate Dean (Academic) and Co-Director of the National Music Therapy Research Unit and inaugural Co-Director of the recently established Creative Arts Therapies Research Unit at The University of Melbourne. She is a former Australia Research Council Future Fellow and is currently involved in projects funded by the Australia Research Council and UNESCO. She has published 6 books and over 100 book chapters and research articles, and accumulated more than $1.5Million in research grant funding. She was Head of Music Therapy at The University of Queensland from 2002-2012 before taking up her position at The University of Melbourne. Felicity has a prominent international profile and has co-researchers from the USA, UK, and Europe. She is currently Associate Editor for the Journal of Music Therapy, former editor-in-chief of the Australian Music Therapy Association, and Past President of the Australian Music Therapy Association. Felicity has received many awards including the American Music Therapy Association publication award (2015), an Australian National Teaching Award (2009), and an Australian leadership award (2011).