[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – Spiegel Academy
Hello. My area of specialty is in teaching and reinforcing Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills through Music Therapy. I teach Music Therapy continuing education classes online with a group of qualified professionals who specialize in music therapy with a variety of areas of expertise. In this post I am sharing with you an article I wrote […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – Spiegel Academy
by David Putano Mt-BC I’d like to speak to music therapy (MT) pros and students about playing guitar and musicianship and pose the question “Why Guitar Competency?” Last year I wrote about a hospice family where the son told me that “over the past many months the only joy my mom has experienced was […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor- Music Together Within Therapy
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor- Music Together Within Therapy By: Carol Ann Blank, MMT, MT-BC Guest Post #3 During my presentation, I’ll be talking about how I became interested in tacit knowledge in music therapy practice with parent-child dyads. Here’s just a taste… My dissertation research utilizes ground theory methods (Charmaz, 2014) to analyze interviews of […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor- Session Cafe
Make space for beauty in your life and work Life is busy. Trying to fit in work, household chores, family responsibilities, time for fitness, time for socializing… but, you need to add one more – time for beauty. Most of us first think of beauty as it relates to physical attractiveness. Beauty is SOOooo much […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor- Music Together Within Therapy
Tacit Knowledge in Music Therapy, Part 2 by Carol Ann Blank, MMT, MT-BC In this blog post, I’ll share with you some of my thoughts about tacit knowledge and its importance in music therapy clinical decision making with parent-child dyads. From my previous blog post, tacit knowledge is a form of knowing that is considered […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor- Music Together Within Therapy
Thank you for taking the time to join me for a little while on my journey to understand how tacit knowledge impacts the practice of music therapy with parent-child dyads. I have been immersed in data about music therapists’ clinical decision making processes for the last year, and I have come to understand that tacit […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – Session Cafe
Guest post from JoAnn Jordan, MT-BC at Session Cafe. Assessments are an important step in the therapy process. Depending upon our setting and our clients, we often look at: Musical interests and responses; Spiritual needs; Communication skills; Cognitive function; Physical mobility; and Socialization. The information gathered in our traditional assessments IS important. Yet, I have […]
Gratitude for Our Sponsors
This week sees the celebration of Thanksgiving in America. While the historical origins of this particular holiday may be less than positive, the sentiment of expressing thanks is universal and beneficial. With the thought of gratitude in mind, the Online Conference for Music Therapy would like to express gratitude for our sponsors. Sponsors play an […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – Session Cafe
How to make the internet your greatest music therapy ally Let’s make sure we are making the internet your greatest music therapy ally. I can see you scratching your head saying “well, duh”. You’re checking out the Online Conference for Music Therapy. Of course you use the internet. Let’s be honest. We use it as a tool. You […]
OCMT on the Music Therapy Radio Show with Janice Lindstrom
Check Out Health Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Janice Lindstrom on BlogTalkRadio
OCMT 2016: A More Interactive & Engaging Online Conference Experience
Often one of the things that I hear music therapists say is that their favorite part of attending music therapy conferences is having the ability to (re)connect and network with other music therapist colleagues. The ability to network on an international level, and to learn from music therapy professionals from around the world without having […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – The Musical Autist
Hello everyone from snowy Maryland! As OCMT co-Chair, I would first like to say to #OCMT15 attendees that I hope you are enjoying the recordings of this year’s conference. The Organizing Committee has been receiving many wonderful messages from music therapists from around the globe, remarking on what a great experience the OCMT conference has […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – Music Therapy Bento
Becoming a Supervisor: Three Reasons Why Supervising is Good for Your Practice Natalie is an Australian Registered Music Therapist working in forensic mental health and with a private practice in supervision. She can be contacted at www.musictherapybento.com Music therapists become supervisors for many reasons – perhaps they feel they are ready to ‘give back’ to students […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – Music Therapy Ed
Music Therapy Resumes 101 with Meredith Pizzi at Music Therapy Ed It is time to put your best foot forward! Your resume is the first reflection of you that people see. Make sure that you are reflecting your best self: professional, direct, and responsible. For some easy and quick tips make sure to watch our […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – Bear Paw Creek
Thank you OCMT for this wonderful opportunity to be a sponsor as you commit to further educate and support music therapists around the world. Bear Paw Creek was originally founded to create products for music therapist and I absolutely love your profession and what each of you bring to it. I hope you will enjoy […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – Music Therapy Ed
This episode of Mindstorm Mondays features Judy Simpson, MT-BC — the Director of Government Relations of the American Music Therapy Association. In the spirit of Social Media Advocacy Month, Judy shares with us important information to help you effortlessly answer the question, “So, what is music therapy?” and how to maximize the time you already spend […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor- CMTEonlineclasses.com
Tips for a Top Notch Presentation by Sally Bonkrude MA, LPC, MT-BC a team member of sponsor: CMTEonlineclasses.com Authenticity Do you spend more time crafting the perfect message than you do preparing to “really” show up on stage? Now, preparation is important, but so often what is missed is showing up authentically. Great presenters own all […]
A Message for Students
Show Me The Money (a.k.a. WE WANT YOU!) The post is directed to music therapy students and interns. The organizing committee for the Online Conference for Music Therapy (OCMT15) is wanting you to join us on February 7, 2015. We know that your time and money is precious. We have a way that you can […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor- Songs to Grow On
An Amazing Music Therapy Journey It gives me great pleasure to share this second blog post with my music therapy colleagues from around the world. My private music therapy practice and piano studio, Songs To Grow On, located in Farmington Hills, Michigan, provides services to a wide range of children and adults. I have had […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – MMT PayPer
MMT PayPer to the Rescue! Dear Music Therapy Business Owner (aka MTBO), Let me paint you a picture: You’re doing it all. Prepping taxes, managing a team, pursuing new contracts, keeping the existing contracts happy, paying bills, running payroll, posting to your biz Facebook page, breathing and eating every now and then, trying to balance […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor- CMTEonlineclasses.com
DEAR MAN- How to Ask for What You Want By Deborah Spiegel MT-BC, CCHt sponsor: dbtmusic.com Think about a situation in which YOU could use this skill. The skill is called DEAR MAN. It is a powerful communication tool created by Dr. Marsha Linehan, the creator of DBT, and is valuable for anyone who […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor- Music Together
In previous blog posts, I have shared with you my thoughts on creativity in music therapy with parent-child dyads, systems theory, and processes in music therapy. This post will describe Music Together’s Philosophical Points and how these support the role of creativity in clinical decision making in light of systems theory and processes in music […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – Bear Paw Creek
Thank you OCMT for this wonderful opportunity to be a sponsor as you commit to further educate and support music therapists around the world. Bear Paw Creek was originally founded to create products for music therapist and I absolutely love your profession and what each of you bring to it. I hope you will enjoy […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – Songs To Grow On
As I write this blog post I find myself reflecting about just how far music therapy has come since I entered the field. I could have never imagined an online conference highlighting the work of music therapists worldwide when I was a new graduate of Michigan State University in back in 1981! With that said […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – Canadian Association of Music Therapy
The Social Media Connection: How music therapists can avoid isolation by logging on Miya Adout, MTA, MT-BC As a newly certified music therapist, completing my final semester in the Master of Arts in Creative Arts Therapies program at Concordia University, I am very excited and ready to go out there into the professional world. Yet, […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor- CMTEonlineclasses.com
Music Therapy for Chronic Pain Management By Joel Kroeker RCC, MA, MMT, MTA a team member of sponsor: CMTEonlineclasses.com Many of our clients deal with issues of pain on various levels which has an impact on all aspects of wellness from body, mind and brain to family, relationships and community. Chronic pain is one of […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor- MMT Academy
The Top 5 Reasons to Choose The MMT Academy for CMTEs! We hear you, new professional music therapist… – Conferences are only once a year and are really expensive. – Online education is great for some courses, but some things have to be taught in person. - I only see my MT colleagues once a year, and that’s […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor- CMTEonlineclasses.com
Tools for Effective Guided Imagery: The Language of the Subconscious Mind By Deborah Spiegel MT-BC, CCHt sponsor: CMTEonlineclasses.com 1. Keep it positive. The subconscious mind does not hear the word “not.” So if you are creating guided imagery, keep your language positive. Instead of saying “You are not stressed” phrase it in the positive: “Feel […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – Bear Paw Creek
Thank you OCMT for this wonderful opportunity to be a sponsor as you commit to further educate and support music therapists around the world. Bear Paw Creek was originally founded to create products for music therapist and I absolutely love your profession and what each of you bring to it. I hope you will enjoy […]
[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – Music Therapy Ed
How to Answer “What is Music Therapy?” Also come check at Music Therapy Ed’s newest, FREE course: The West Music Professionals Success Course if you would like to maximize your potential and enhance your current clinical and musical skills! Most of us struggle to eloquently, comprehensively, and quickly communicate the true nature of our work as […]