We’re happy to announce OCMT2014’s cooperation with the Canadian Association for Music Therapy. Our goal is to cross promote our conference events, in order to increase awareness of these opportunities in the field of music therapy, in Canada and worldwide.

Here is a message from the CAMT past president:
On behalf of the Canadian Association for Music Therapy, I would like to welcome you to the 40th Annual Conference, “Celebrating 40 Years of Music Therapy Across the Lifespan”. It will be a great pleasure to join with the music therapists, healthcare professionals and music and medicine researchers and scholars from around the globe. As chair of the conference organizing committee, I want to welcome you to the wonderful, dynamic and international city of Toronto. You are invited to be stimulated and enriched by the latest music therapy practice and theory, while delving into and learning about expanding the art of music throughout the lifespan.
Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, MTA, MT-BC, FAMI
C’est à la part de l’Association de musicothérapie du Canada que je vous souhaites la bienvenue à notre 40ème congrès annuel, appelons “Célébrons 40 ans de musicothérapie tout au long de la vie.” Ce sera un grand plaisir de se joindre avec des musicothérapeutes, des professionnels de la santé, et des chercheurs de musique en médecine du monde entier. Puis-ce-que je suis président du comité organisateur du congrès, je vous souhaites la bienvenue à Toronto, une ville magnifique, dynamique et international. Nous vous invitons à être stimulé et enrichi par la pratique et la théorie de la musicothérapie la plus courante, tout en explorant les possibilités illimité de la musique.
Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, MTA, MT-BC, FAMI
Go to www.camtconference2014.ca for more details about the conference.
To submit a proposal, you can go to this page on the CAMT conference website and download the Call for Papers.
Deadline has been extended to December 1st!!