[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor- MMT Academy

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The Top 5 Reasons to Choose The MMT Academy for CMTEs!

We hear you, new professional music therapist…MMT Academy pic1
– Conferences are only once a year and are really expensive.

– Online education is great for some courses, but some things have to be taught in person.

- I only see my MT colleagues once a year, and that’s *if* we can all make it to a conference.

– It’s too hard to get enough credits with umbrella groupings.

We hear you, seasoned music therapist…
– Courses offered at conferences are not always relevant to the issues I face as a music therapist.

– We’re music therapists. We should be making music together in CMTE courses.

We hear you, music therapy business owner…
– I simply cannot afford to send my entire team to an out-of-state conference.

- I would love for our continuing education opportunities to also be team-building opportunities. I just haven’t found something like that yet.

We’ve been listening. And here are our Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Choose The MMT Academy for your Continuing Education needs:

5. Course Content – We promise you will LOVE our courses and will find them valuable to your music therapy practice. How do we know, you ask? Simple: we conduct market research to find out what YOU want to learn and then create our courses to specifically meet your needs.

4. Expertise – Our course instructors are from all walks of life: private practices, mental health, hospitals, hospices, schools, etc. Not only does the Metro Music Therapy team lead courses, but we also recruit some of the most influential music therapists in our field to teach our courses. And we are ALL ready to share our expertise with you.

3. Location (Location, Location!) – Because we have so many diverse music therapy programs here in the SER-AMTA, Atlanta has essentially become the hub for music therapy in the Southeast. And guess what?! Even if you are not local, with enough interest generated in your region, The MMT Academy can bring their courses to YOU.

MMT Academy pic22. Face-to-Face Instruction – Sometimes you just need to be in a the same space as your peers, interacting with others around you; making music, learning from each other, laughing, growing, and experiencing together. Some of us learn best that way, and some material is better presented in this setting.

1. Affordability – Let’s face it. We all need affordable CMTE options, because we all need CTMEs! Our course fees are comparable, if not lower, to those offered at conferences, but with us you can earn up to 12 CMTE credits in 2 days! More bang for your buck!

If you live in the Atlanta area, you only need to pay for course registration fees. No membership fees. No travel. No hotel. No fluff. If you don’t live in Atlanta, we give you all of the info you need to find the best hotel to fit your budget.

AND, if you are reading this blog post right now, you will receive 10% of any course taking place in Atlanta this March! (enter coupon code “OCMT” in the promotional code space from now until February 1st!)

Our next MMT Academy CMTE Weekend Event is March 7-8, 2015.
You can find all of our course offerings and registration information right here.

We guarantee to give you a memorable, one-of-a-kind experience that will immediately impact the way you practice music therapy. We can’t to see you in Atlanta this spring!


Metro Music Therapy owns and operates The Metro Music Therapy Academy, which is an Approved Provider of Continuing Education courses through the Certification Board for Music Therapists. The MMT Academy, [#P-140], maintains responsibility for program quality and adherence to CBMT policies and criteria.

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