[Guest Post] OCMT Sponsor – MMT PayPer

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MMT PayPer to the Rescue!

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Dear Music Therapy Business Owner (aka MTBO),

Let me paint you a picture:

You’re doing it all. Prepping taxes, managing a team, pursuing new contracts, keeping the existing contracts happy, paying bills, running payroll, posting to your biz Facebook page, breathing and eating every now and then, trying to balance work and family. You’re completely overwhelmed, and wonder how you could fit any more onto your already overflowing plate.

And then the facility you have been dreaming about working with for months (years?) finally gets back to you and says, “Hey you, we would love to have you come in with a program proposal this week!”

And you are so excited! And then you panic. I don’t have time to get anything together! We haven’t worked with this population yet, so I would have to start with square one for a program proposal. I don’t have the time to gather the research. What do they really want/need to know? I need to appeal to the administration but also to the staff for an in-service. I don’t know where to start!!

What if I told you I could help? What if I told you that we have created marketing materials that can be customized just for you and your business?

It’s not a dream! I am an MTBO, and I, too, struggle with the daily balance between work and life. And I have learned that the decision to outsource what I can’t do or don’t have the time to do can revolutionize how my day/week plays out.

I created MMT PayPer a year ago to help my fellow MTBOs and other programming pioneers in the music therapy world – and the outpouring of gratitude from the MT community has been overwhelming! The MMT PayPer materials are tried and true and have helped my company land all of our contracts.

How does this magic work, you ask? So easy! You choose your items from the MMT PayPer menu, and then email me with your order, your logo and your contact info. Once we receive payment via PayPal, I create your materials and email them back to you within 5 business days!

You can view the MMT PayPer menu and purchasing instructions here – plus you can read testimonials from MTBOs who have purchased our materials and absolutely love them.

Let us know how MMT PayPer can help you!

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